Engaging in meditation on a regular basis can help you decrease stress and increase focus. It is about calming your mind and can be defined as a mental exercise that involves focus, awareness, and relaxation. Meditation helps you to train your brain to be still and quiet and has been shown to have a positive effect on your psychological well-being. Below are seven meditation benefits that you can experience when you begin to meditate on a weekly basis.


1. Decreases Stress


The world you live in can be very stressful. It can seem as though you always have a lot to do, and not enough time to do it. Stress can have a negative effect on your physical health and emotional well-being. Practicing meditation can help you manage stress better. Mindfulness meditation, provides the space to acknowledge and prioritize the demands on your time so you can take care of what is important and let go of the rest. Without the space and clarity provided through this type of practice, stress can feel overwhelming. When you meditate, you are able to better organize your thoughts and emotions, so you can more effectively manage stress.


2. Decreases Anxiety


Meditation can also help decrease anxiety. Although anxiety and stress can share many physical and emotional symptoms, they are not the same. Stress is a response to an external cause, whereas anxiety is an internal reaction to stress. It is characterized by constant worry and a feeling of dread about the future. While stress and anxiety are both a part of the fight, flight, or freeze response, stress is a short-term issue, while anxiety can persist for some time. Meditation can help quiet the mind and relax the body. This helps ease both the emotional and physical symptoms of anxiety. Since mindfulness engages the parasympathetic nervous system, the central nervous system calms down and your body and mind begin to rest and digest. 


3. Improves Focus


Meditation can help you improve your focus and your memory. Practicing focused meditation requires you to intently focus on one thing. This can be a word, sound, picture, or your breath. Instead of clearing your mind, you pay attention to what you are focusing on, ignoring other thoughts and distractions. Focused meditation can help improve your attention for longer periods of time. It then becomes easier to block out distractions and enhances short term memory.


4. Increases Compassion


Compassion can increase through the use of meditation. Loving kindness meditation is specifically designed to increase compassion, empathy, and sympathy to all who are suffering. It also increases the desire to want to ease this suffering. Loving kindness can increase positive feelings and decrease any negative emotions you may be experiencing. It can activate empathy and emotional processing in the brain and increase gray matter. The increased compassion that you experience for others using this type of meditation can also be directed toward yourself


5. Improves Symptoms of Depression


Depression is a mood disorder that can cause a deep feeling of intense sadness and a loss of interest in activities, even those that used to bring you joy. Mindfulness can help improve symptoms of depression. By learning how to be present in the moment and aware of how you are feeling without becoming overly attached to negative emotions, feelings of depression can decrease and become less impactful. Meditation can help you change the way you think about sadness and other difficult emotions as well.


6. Enhances Relationships


Relationships can improve through a regular and consistent meditation practice. Meditation helps you regulate your mood and it can improve compassion and empathy. These things are helpful to relationships and can enable you to gain a deeper understanding and connection to your partner. The awareness that you gain through this practice can help you notice unhealthy patterns. This way you can choose to respond differently and change the unhealthy relationship pattern. Relationships also benefit from the increased levels of acceptance that a consistent meditation practice provides. It helps you better understand yourself, which then helps you better understand others.


7. Improves Self-Esteem


Not only does meditation help your relationship with others, it also helps improve your relationship with yourself, leading to increased self-esteem. Meditation enables you to notice your thoughts and feelings without attaching to them. This gives you the opportunity to observe how fleeting thoughts and feelings can be. You can then begin to know yourself on a deeper level. Loving kindness meditation can help increase self-compassion and decrease self-judgment. When it is practiced consistently, it becomes easier to ignore negative self-talk and focus on the positive instead.


These are just some of the benefits that you can expect from practicing meditation on a regular basis. While meditation may not be able to fix everything, it can help improve your overall emotional well-being. Once you start experiencing the benefits, you will want to include meditation in your weekly self-care routine.

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