Articles to help you on your journey.
What Is Dissociation
Dissociation is quite common. Tuning out from boredom, or not remembering a conversation that was uninteresting, are some typical ways you might dissociate. However, sometimes it can occur often and become problematic, especially after experiencing a traumatic event....
Why Practicing Gratitude Is Good For You
Practicing gratitude on a regular basis is good for you. Gratitude has been linked to better physical health, stronger interpersonal relationships, and improved self-esteem and emotional well-being. By focusing on the good, you not only decrease negative feelings, you...
5 Benefits Of Anxiety
When you think of anxiety, you probably focus on all of the negative aspects, such as constant worry, and restlessness. However, there are also many ways that experiencing anxiety can be helpful. Below are 5 benefits of anxiety that you may often overlook. What Is...
7 Tips For Repairing Your Relationship After A Fight
Disagreements and arguments happen in almost all relationships on occasion. While this isn’t really a problem, feelings can get hurt and your relationship will suffer if you don’t repair the damage. Without proper repair, emotional intimacy can weaken and resentment...
6 Tips To Manage Perfectionism
While many think that perfectionism is something to strive for, being a perfectionist can have a negative impact on your self-view and emotional well-being. As a perfectionist, you might be very self-critical when you fail to meet the high standards and often...
8 Unrealistic Expectations That Can Cause Problems In Your Relationship
Unrealistic expectations can cause a lot of disappointment in your relationship. When things don’t go the way you think they should, you may want to give up on your partner. Relationships are hard work and rarely live up to the happily ever after depicted in movies....
OCD And Trauma
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can have a negative impact on a person’s emotional well-being and ability to function effectively. It can be especially difficult to manage when OCD develops as a result of trauma. There is a link between trauma and OCD. It can be...
6 Tips To Stop Being A People-Pleaser
Although being a people-pleaser might not seem like a bad thing, it can actually cause a lot of problems. People-pleasers like to feel needed, but can easily end up feeling used and taken advantage of. If you are a people-pleaser, you most likely neglect your own...
Being An Empath: The Benefits
Being an empath can be challenging at times. Your high sensitivity can feel more like a burden, than an asset. However, being an empath is not necessarily a negative thing. There are many positives to being an empath as well. Below are 10 benefits of being an empath....
Lessons In Forgiveness